Javascript Self Invoking Functions | Sarfraz Ahmed's Blog 26 Jan 2012 ... However, you can make the function auto-run by making it self-executing function like this: ...
jquery - Auto-execute javascript functions AND call them later ... A reusable immediate function var reference = (function thename(){ //function body return thename; //return ...
how do I automatically execute javascript? - Stack Overflow If you have a script in your "head" block, with no function id, it will run automatically as soon as the web ...
Location of parenthesis for auto-executing anonymous JavaScript ... They're virtually the same. The first wraps parentheses around a function to make it a valid expression and ...
Javascript functions run automatically vs only when called - Stack ... This question already has an answer here: What is the ... That's called an IIFE, an Immediately-Invoked ...
php - How do I make this javascript function run automatically ... 19 Apr 2011 ... I am trying to use a longitude/latitude converter to display the OSGR value. This is the code I have at ...
logic - Can someone explain this JavaScript auto executing function ... var foo = (function(){ var x = 0; return function(){return x++;}; } ... Your code: var foo = (function(){ var x = 0; ...
The how and why of auto-executing functions (in JavaScript) 8 Feb 2013 ... Call them what you will - auto-executing functions, Immediately Invoked Function Expressions, IIFE, ...
How to call Javascript code automatically - no OnClick - CodeProject 27 Nov 2011 ... How can I call a javascript function without onclick event?? I want use Ajax code in my project without ...
executing scripts automatically when the page is loaded - Sharkysoft There are two ways to make JavaScript code execute automatically when a page is loaded. The first method, which I ...